In preparation for the St. Croix Fat Cat, I’ve been running, padddling and o yeah- a little bit of that bike thing. Cross-training is a challenge.
I’ve come up with this simple 5 step routine for the next few weeks:
1. Run 5 – 6 miles, averaging about 9 min miles
2. SUP yoga warm up:
a. Cat/Cow
c. A combination SUN B series using your paddle
d. Looking for more warm up tips, try this from Backcountry
3. Paddle sprint 1 mile, averaging about 13 min mile
3. Biking. WELL, this I need to work on. 8 miles in 35 min gives me a 2-3 min/mile average.
4. Yoga cool down, repeating step 2 on land.
I find all my muscles that have been in balance with strengthening and lengthening tighten up. In particular, the hamstrings, calves and lower back are shortened. That’s why I feel adding 2 parts yoga into your tri-fitness routines help keep your muscles in balance.