Taco DAZE, Scandia MN’s annual community fest, is right around the corner – 9/5-9/7. For over 30 years, the community has been coming together to celebrate summer’s end with music, dance and the ultimate Scandinavian dish… Tacos?!?
Taco Daze Stand-Up Paddleboard Yoga
For the first time, we will be offering a little pre-taco stretch: Stand-up Paddleboard Yoga on Sand Lake. Starting at 8 am – 10 am. Tacos served at 11 am.
Another great SUP yoga session on Forest Lake, MN! Just amazes me every time, Randy Johnson (Stand-up paddle and sail) leads us through a 15 mediation session it instantly calms the water. The quiet of the mind unfolds the calm of the lake. A perfect place for your focus and breath to be when you start your vinyasa on water. These floating yogis were amazing. Sure, they all had a few Sun-A series on their mat but none of them had experience on the unbalanced surface of the water. They let go and stayed with the flow. Check ’em out below. Intrigued yet? We have another one in the line-up on August 17, 6 pm – 8 pm. Please register at yogahus.com
Threatened by all sorts of rainy forecasts and wind gusts, we moved our 2nd SUP Yoga series to sunrise versus sunset. Blissed out by meditation conducted by Randy Johnson, we perched our boards in the south wind. This week, the group experiences a few more waves but no matter, after a few sun salutations both on knees and standing, these posers rode the waves and found their balance on the clear blue water.
A few of the poses we set our intentions on this week were – Crescent Lunge | Twist | Warrior 2 | Camel | Bridge & Wheel
Namaste to all the yogi’s who joined in – so proud of their courage and strength.
What’s better then starting your Sunday in the sunrise, floating on water and enjoying the simple pleasures of breathing? Not much!
Our first series of yoga on water set sail on the beautiful clear water just off of Forest Lake. Randy Johnson, of Minnesota Stand-Up Paddle and Sail provided boards and leashes, along with the majestic SUP starboards. Randy led us through an amazing meditation session, just before we set SUP, paddeling out to the edge of the beach line and tethering off the beach line rope.
The class was just over an hour in length, with students of ranging capabilities and experience in yoga. Not a one had yoga on water experience, and not one fell in.. on purpose.
To get a flavor of the yoga experience, here are some of the balance poses our SUP posers experienced:
Table top | Rock board side to side to test stability | Cat/Cow, with extension | Tiger Pose |Puppy dog
Floor bow turned to board bow!Getting our warrior on water
After milling about in New York this week on some biz travel, I stumbled across this awesome opportunity to customize a pair of Converse All-Stars with SUP-Poser at Urban Outfitters. It did take some time, but such is the way it works with a craft of love and material desire.
All I needed to do was bring in the logo, 14X16 inches jpg to Tyra, the wonderful marketing rep turned Converse Shoe Artist for that weekend helped bring my creation to life.
Take a look at the printer process below, but it seems to me, it was a matter of one crafty laptop hooked to a 4-color screen printer and a lot of duct tape.
And of course the right size shoes. What an awesome souvenir. Oh, and did I mention – $50. That’s it.