First SUP session

First class of Yoga on water @Forest LakeWhat’s better then starting your Sunday in the sunrise, floating on water and enjoying the simple pleasures of breathing?  Not much!

Our first series of yoga on water set sail on the beautiful clear water just off of Forest Lake.  Randy Johnson, of Minnesota Stand-Up Paddle and Sail provided boards and leashes, along with the majestic SUP starboards.  Randy led us through an amazing meditation session, just before we set SUP, paddeling out to the edge of the beach line and tethering off the beach line rope.

The class was just over an hour in length, with students of ranging capabilities and experience in yoga.  Not a one had yoga on water experience, and not one fell in.. on purpose.

To get a flavor of the yoga experience, here are some of the balance poses our SUP posers experienced:

Table top | Rock board side to side to test stability | Cat/Cow, with extension | Tiger Pose |Puppy dog

Floor bow turned to board bow!
Floor bow turned to board bow!
Getting our warrior on water
Getting our warrior on water

WaSUP Chuck?

WaSUP Chuck - Custom Converse @Urban Outfitters
WaSUP Chuck – Custom Converse @Urban Outfitters

After milling about in New York this week on some biz travel, I stumbled across this awesome opportunity to customize a pair of Converse All-Stars with SUP-Poser at Urban Outfitters.  It did take some time, but such is the way it works with a craft of love and material desire.

All I needed to do was bring in the logo, 14X16 inches jpg to Tyra, the wonderful marketing rep turned Converse Shoe Artist for that weekend helped bring my creation to life.

Take a look at the printer process below, but it seems to me, it SUP Poser Conversewas a matter of one crafty laptop hooked to a 4-color screen printer and a lot of duct tape.

And of course the right size shoes.  What an awesome souvenir.  Oh, and did I mention – $50.  That’s it.

SUP YOW classes offered at Yoga Hus | Forest

SUP YOW Stand-up Paddleboard Yoga on Water Classes 6/22 & 6/29


Why not deepen your yoga practice, expanding it from the stationary flat floor to less stable platforms? SUP is a perfect tool for developing balance, posture, stability and rhythm on a moving platform.


Class instruction led by Kelli Carlson-Jagersma, Chris Coleman andRandy Johnson.

Class Structure – Sunday Jun 22  @ForestLake

  • 7:30 – 8:15    Meditation (optional)
  • 8:30 – 8:45    Yoga Warm Up & launch
  • 8:45 – 9:45    Yoga on the water
  • 9:45 – 10:00  Savasana on the water, Namaste on beach

Class Structure – Sunday Jun 29  @ForestLake

  • 4:30 – 5:15    Meditation (optional)
  • 5:30 – 5:45    Yoga Warm Up & launch
  • 5:45 – 6:45    Yoga on the water
  • 6:45 – 7:00   Savasana on the water, Namaste on beach

Costs –

$30 – SUP Provided by Randy Johnson,,

$20 – Bring your own SUP (must have leash and anchor)



SUP is a perfect tool for developing balance, posture, stability and rhythm on a moving platform. Add Yoga to the mix and you have SUP YOW – Stand up paddle yoga on water!  




“There’s no secret to balance. You just have to feel the waves”

Frank Herbert