What’s better then starting your Sunday in the sunrise, floating on water and enjoying the simple pleasures of breathing? Not much!
Our first series of yoga on water set sail on the beautiful clear water just off of Forest Lake. Randy Johnson, of Minnesota Stand-Up Paddle and Sail provided boards and leashes, along with the majestic SUP starboards. Randy led us through an amazing meditation session, just before we set SUP, paddeling out to the edge of the beach line and tethering off the beach line rope.
The class was just over an hour in length, with students of ranging capabilities and experience in yoga. Not a one had yoga on water experience, and not one fell in.. on purpose.
To get a flavor of the yoga experience, here are some of the balance poses our SUP posers experienced:
Table top | Rock board side to side to test stability | Cat/Cow, with extension | Tiger Pose |Puppy dog